When wandering through an art installation in Aarhus, Denmark, I found this ironic yet poetic message.
The artwork was a wall, tall and wide, with countless pieces of paper fluttering in the light breeze. The paper was all white, but on each, a message, drawing, or simply a word adorned the otherwise lonely white surface.
Most ink formed a quote, a love declaration, a wish, but this one caught my attention immediately.
Remember, if life seems dark there is always light in the fridge.
It said.
I stood thinking about the humorous words that formed a sentence so deep. How was it possible that something clearly meant as a funny pun could still be as impactful?
Art is meant to move us, make us wonder, discover new perspectives, think about the world and the space we occupy in it. Art is not meant to be easily understood, but to make us think twice.
I think this piece of art did exactly that. Made me think twice.